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Welcome to Year 3

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Welcome to Birch's Class Page

Year 3 consists of three classes: 3SC (Mr Coulston's Class), 3RP (Mrs Patel's Class) and 3AS (Miss Shah's Class). Here you will find new, weekly updates and information about the fantastic learning that has taken place in Year 3. Please feel free to take advantage of suggested links that will help support your children with consolidating their learning at home. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our Year 3 team mentioned above if you have any queries.

Learning together, growing together


Our core values of Endurance, Justice, Friendship, Compassion and Peace underpin all that we do.


Physical Education

Our P.E. days are as follows:

Tuesdays: Outdoor P.E.                                              Thursdays: Indoor P.E.

Please ensure that children arrive to school wearing their P.E. kit: a plan white T-shirt, black shorts or jogging bottoms, plain black trainers and a plain black hooded jacket if required.

All jewellery must be taken off as it is not permitted as per health and safety guidelines.

Keep your children fit with various short active sessions.



Summer Timetables

Year 3 Curriculum Overview

Famous for a fortnight

The title ‘Famous for a fortnight’ is awarded to a child once every two weeks to recognise their academic achievements through work, effort, engagement or applying the Bywell core values.

Week beginning: 08.04.24

  • 3SC: Daanish
  • 3RP: Louis
  • 3AS: Kylaa

Always Child

This is another award that is presented very two weeks to a child who is seen to ALWAYS demonstrate characteristics of a positive role model. These children portray ongoing outstanding behaviour, manners, kindness, compassion towards others, work ethic, effort and punctuality.

Week beginning: 01.05.24

  • 3SC: Khadija
  • 3RP: Matilda
  • 3AS: Rosie


Congratulations! You have made us proud! Keep it up.


This Week's Learning

Times Table Rock Stars

All children must learn their multiplication tables. We use Times Table Rock Stars for a fun, interactive way to support rapid recall of these. All children have a login and are encouraged to use it as often to not only get onto our in-class leaderboards but to become fluent in their times tables.





In Year 3, we celebrate the love of reading.

Every Thursday, children will visit the library and have a chance to select a book of their choice from a range of beautiful new books. The children will have the opportunity to change their library books if they want to on the following Thursday providing that their library book has been brought in to be returned.

Children have the opportunity to read books from the school library and class library.

We take the time to ‘Read for Pleasure’ before the end of each school day explore a range of texts and to encourage children to read different genres.

A reading book will be sent home every week along with a school library book.

In addition to the existing wonderful reading opportunities in school, children have also be given log in details to access ‘Reading Plus’. This website allows children to access texts set at their level of reading prior to taking a quiz to asses their retrieval and inference skills.


Click on the link below for more age-related texts.

Best Books for Year 3 | Ages 7-8 | The Reader Teacher

During our Reading lessons, we will be focusing on the VIPERS skills shown below. These skills are essential for children to explore throughout their reading journey to really unpick their understanding and deepen their interest.



All Birch classes will be sent a set of spellings to take home and practise every week based on their daily, afternoon Phonics sessions. Alongside these words, there is also a bank of ‘orange words’ from the curriculum that Year 3 children are expected to be able to spell.