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Welcome to Year 5

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Welcome to Oak's Page

Year 5 consists of 3 classes: 5AW (Mr Wailes' Class), 5SD (Mrs Din's class) and 5VSS/HA (Mrs Spon-Smith and Mrs Appleyard's Class). On our class page you will find information about our fabulous learning taking place in the term ahead as well as weekly updates. There are links to websites and platforms to support your children with their learning at home as well as a gallery of photographs to showcase our curriculum in action. If you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to contact one of the Year 5 team.

Learning Together, Growing Together


Our core values of Endurance, Justice, Friendship, Compassion and Peace underpin all that we do.


Autumn Term Timetables

Our PE Days are:

  • Wednesdays: Outdoor PE
  • Fridays: Indoor PE

On these days, your child may come to school in their PE kit: plain white  T shirt, black shorts or joggers and plain black trainers. A plain black hooded jacket may also be worn.

Jewellery is not permitted for safety.

Keep active: try a 5 minute workout with Joe Wicks.

School Council Members

Our Year 4 representatives on the School Council were chosen by each class in a democratic vote. This year our School Council members are:

  • 5AW: Wahaab 
  • 5SD: Frankie
  • 5VSS/HA: Eva 

Famous For a Fortnight

This is a very prestigious award presented every 2 weeks to a child in each class who has impressed their teachers with their academic work, effort, engagement or demonstrated one or more of our core values.

Week Beginning: 17.06.24

Our Famous For a Fortnight awards were presented to:

  • 5AW – Tyler C

  • 5SD –  Judah N

  • 5VSS/HA  – Chloe H

Congratulations. We are incredibly proud of you!

Always Child

  • This is also a very prestigious award presented every 2 weeks to a child in each class who ALWAYS does the right thing and makes the right choices relating to for example: behaviour, manners, showing kindness and compassion, working hard, trying their best and even ensuring they always arrive on time ready to learn. Children chosen for this award are role models in our school and an example to all.

Week Beginning: 10.06.24

Our Always Child awards were presented to:

  • 5AW : Dahlia S
  • 5SD:   Karen A
  • 5VSS/HA: Nora H

Year 5 Curriculum

This Week's Learning

Times Tables

We use Times Table Rock Stars  to support their rapid recall of these. All children have a login and are encouraged to use it as often as they can.

Here is the link to the website:




We love reading in Year 5.

Every child has a reading book and a book they have chosen from our fabulous library every Friday afternoon.

We have a ‘Drop it and read’ session every week where all the children (and teachers) stop working and read a book for 10 minutes.

In addition, each child has a login to Reading Plus set at their own level which targets individual reading need to maximise progress.


“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Dr Suess.



Every 2 weeks, the children will receive a new spelling list with words following a given spelling pattern as well as a few orange words (Year 5 words). They will practise their spelling during registration slots as well as a few short focused lessons throughout the week. There will be a spelling test every 2 weeks.

Here are this half terms spelling lists: