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Bywell CofE Junior-01312

Subject Overview

Subject Intent


At Bywell, we recognise the importance of providing our students with a high-quality language curriculum. We intend to foster a love of learning languages and develop independent, aspirational pupils who are self-motivated and able to communicate effectively and practically in the French language.


Learning another language will encourage pupils to explore relationships between language and identity, developing a deeper understanding of other cultures and the world around them with a better awareness of self, others, and cultural differences. We intend to equip all children with invaluable language learning skills and knowledge that they will be able to transfer to further study, work, and leisure. This will support them in working towards becoming life-long language learners. Through the study of other cultures and civilisations, we will inspire and challenge students linguistically and culturally by promoting compassion, peace, and intercultural understanding.


We aim to deliver a language curriculum that provides pupils with the opportunity to develop secure skills in speaking, listening, reading and grammar through carefully structured and sequenced lessons throughout Key Stage 2. This will be based on “best practice” research in language teaching, with an emphasis on providing children with opportunities for repetition to build confidence and a secure knowledge of vocabulary.


All students will be expected to reach their full potential by encouraging high expectations and excellent standards in their foreign language learning, with the ultimate goal of empowering students to continue studying languages beyond Key Stage 2.

Subject Implementation

  • French is taught through two 15-minute morning sessions a week.


  • All content will be continuously updated and reviewed annually, creating a dynamic programme of study. Clear progression is planned for and developed over the course of 4 years, including coverage of the National Curriculum objectives for MFL.


  • A variety of activities (interactive presentations, interactive games, songs, raps and desk-based activities) are promoted to encourage whole-class participation, and stretch, consolidate, and challenge all learners.


  • Throughout the academic year, themed days, competitions, year group showcases, and the appointment of French Ambassadors in each class will promote and foster a greater interest in French.


  • Learning resources are used throughout the school, such as whole-school progressive French displays, classroom labels, common classroom objects, and daily greetings.


  • Questionnaires are distributed to teachers and students (Teacher voice and Pupil voice) to assess their language knowledge and confidence in the subject. Support is given to instil confidence in staff members regarding the subject’s planning and delivery.

Subject Impact

  • Language Angels is the platform school uses to support staff with the delivering of French sessions. A subscription for the academic year 2022/23 was purchased and will be renewed this academic year.
  • A new French lead has taken over for this academic year (2023/24).
  • The previous French lead delivered a staff meeting to boost staff morale and support overall confidence surrounding French. Staff were reminded how to navigate around Language Angels and the resources available to them. Personalised French Curriculum folders were distributed to each class teacher. The content of these documents and how they would be used effectively during the planning and delivery of French was discussed. This included a long-term overview of French and the order of units to be taught in each term across the school – this considered previously taught units and prior learning to allow clear progressions across year groups.
  • Teacher voice and Pupil voice questionnaires were completed to gather information about the strengths and areas for focus across the school.
  • All staff have Language Angels on their desktop to ensure everyone has easy and efficient access.
  • The French budget was used to purchase class calendars, puppets, stickers, and French Ambassador badges to help generate interest in this subject. These are displayed in classrooms and used frequently.
  • French Ambassadors were introduced last year in each class. Students were eager to put themselves forward to represent their class as French Ambassadors and they worked hard to produce their applications. A variety of creative presentations were delivered by pupils in the form of speeches, posters, videos, jewellery and French-themed cupcakes. Each class had a French Ambassador whose role was to support the class teacher in the delivery of French.
  • The 2021/22 French overview reflected the children’s prior learning after Covid.

July 2023 Update

  • I have actively engaged in continuous professional development (CPD) initiatives, which encompassed participating in online webinars delivered by the Language Angels Team. These webinars specifically focused on effectively establishing and integrating foreign language within the primary school setting.
  • I have spoken to staff members and pupils regarding their experiences with French sessions. I have gathered valuable feedback on aspects that have been enjoyable, and well-received, as well as insights into areas they would like to see further developed in the future.
  • In response to recent updates made by to the Language Angels website, I have created specific classes on the Language Angels Dashboard. This allows each teacher the flexibility to personalize their class’s learning experience and cater to the needs of their students.

Next steps for 2023/24

  • Revise the Curriculum Overview for Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 to establish which units will be taught in which year group, with a clearer focus on progression.
  • Promote French to maintain its profile, initially through French Ambassadors.
  • Increase teacher confidence through relevant CPD and provide guidance on navigating the website and using the support resources.
  • Organise refresher sessions for teachers to become more familiar with the Language Angels scheme used in school, in particular teachers who are new to the school.
  • Offer CPD opportunities to enhance their MFL knowledge and confidence throughout the year.

October 2023 Review

  • I have met with the previous French lead for a handover meeting.
  • I have familiarised myself with Language Angels and the new resource additions this academic year. I have reset the classes for the new academic year and given details of how to access the website to new staff members.
  • I have created a progressive whole school French overview for this academic year now that the reintroduction of French in school is complete.
  • I have checked all classes have sufficient time slots for French on their class timetables.

December 2023 Review

  • Years 5 and 6 children have received refresher lessons in French phonics and the alphabet. They are able to confidently count to 30 and beyond. They are beginning to look at the date and presenting themselves.
  • Years 3 and 4 children are able to count to 20 and know some greetings. They are listening to and are beginning to use some days of the week.
  • Class showcase assemblies show the children are able to use simple French phrases, have a simple conversation, recite numbers and a general enjoyment for the language.
  • Conversations with pupils show French is being accessed regularly and the children have a positive attitude towards the subject.

March 2024 Review

  • It is evident in class showcase assemblies how much the children are enjoying learning the French language. Across the year groups children have demonstrated they can use French vocabulary from the topics they are studying.
  • Lower KS2 have been learning French vocabulary from the topics colours and fruit. Upper KS2 have been learning French words and phrases for objects in the classroom and listing items in their pencil cases.
  • The Language Angels subscription has been renewed for another year.