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Bywell CofE Junior-01665

Subject Overview

Subject Intent

Here at Bywell, we want all our pupils to experience deep, sustained understanding so that they become happy and confident mathematicians, throughout their learning and into their adult life. Through a positive, caring environment, we nurture confidence and a love of mathematics, to enable every child to reach their full potential. We promote a ‘can do’ attitude to maths without a fear of making mistakes. Children will be given time, support and resources to develop a depth of understanding in maths, because we believe that every child is entitled to a good mathematical education.


When teaching mathematics at Bywell, we intend to provide a curriculum which caters for the needs of all individuals. We incorporate sustained levels of challenge through varied and high- quality collaborative activities with a focus on fluency, reasoning and problem solving. This reinforces that at Bywell we are learning together and growing together. Pupils are required to explore maths in depth, using mathematical vocabulary to reason and are questioned carefully in every lesson.  A wide range of mathematical resources are used by all and pupils are taught to show their workings in a concrete fashion, before establishing ways of pictorially and formally representing their understanding. We encourage endurance and acceptance that struggle is often a necessary step in learning. We want pupils to build a deep conceptual understanding of concepts which will enable them to apply their learning in different situations.


We follow the Whiterose maths scheme which enables us to confidently ensure that our children develop a Mastery in Mathematics. Maths is a journey and long-term goal, achieved through exploration, clarification, practice and application over time. At each stage of learning, children should be able to demonstrate a deep, conceptual understanding of the topic and be able to build on this over time.

Subject Implementation

  • Children at Bywell receive quality first teaching of mathematics 5 days a week, incorporating daily FlashBack 4’s to revisit and embed previous learning. Teacher AFL is used in each lesson to support children who require additional support.
  • Each day children are exposed to fluency, reasoning and problem solving during the main input of the lesson and carefully planned fluency, reasoning and problem-solving tasks.
  • Lessons are planned and resourced using the small steps identified in the White rose medium term plan.
  • All children are taught by the class teacher, with activities to support SEND planned appropriately.
  • Opportunities for children to use concrete, pictorial and formal methods to explore different mathematical concepts.
  • Staff are supported to embed fluency, reasoning and problem-solving questions and activities within their Maths lessons.
  • Support will be received this year through Maths Hub work group.

Subject Impact

  • At the end of this academic year, 86% of children achieved EXS or higher and 29% of children achieved GDS in their SATs.
  • After formal lesson observations in spring 2, it was evident that the use of whiteboards to aid assessment for learning had been implemented in all classes. Children were confident with using them and ensured that almost all of the children were being active in their learning.
  • In year 5 we have trailed out a new style of learning wall to ensure that it is utilized effectively and reflects the mastery approach. The learning wall consisted of key vocabulary for the area of learning, fluency support, problem solving and reasoning and stem sentences. The use of the problem solving and reasoning section was helpful as if allowed children to stretch their mathematical thinking once they had finished their work. This will be rolled out across school next academic year.

  • After the Spring 2 lesson observations there was some concerns that children were not able to talk confidently about what they were doing in maths and how they got to their answers. As a result, a staff meeting was led to introduce a new way of children working in maths. We have introduced a calculation page, this is to ensure that teachers are carefully planning the questions that children are accessing but most importantly the children are really clear on what they are doing, how they are getting to their answers, what calculation they have done and encouraging more mathematical thinking. A book look with the wider leadership was carried out after 2 weeks of the implementation to ensure consistency and iron out any difficulties with the new method of working.


Next steps for 2023/24

  • The implementation of non-negotiables on the learning wall, vocabulary, fluency, reasoning, problem solving and stem sentences.
  • To ensure all children access a range of fluency, reasoning and problem solving activities.
  • To foster curiosity and independence in all of our children, equipping them to meet or exceed their KS1 entry profile through greater use of mathematical talk and reasoning.
  • To develop a quality-first teaching model that incorporates a daily focus group, ensuring over time that all children have the opportunity to work directly with the class teacher.

October 2023 Review

  • A new Maths lead has taken over for this academic year (2023/24) and will engage with the Maths Hub group.
  • I have met with the previous Maths lead for a handover meeting.
  • I have attended the first network session for this academic year – Teaching for Mastery Sustaining Hull Network Session.
  • I have familiarised myself with the Maths overview and the changes to the Whiterose scheme for this academic year.
  • I have ensured that all staff members have a Whiterose account, can log in, and have been provided with details on how to access the website and its resources.
  • I have introduced a new structure to Maths tasks, incorporating a range of varied fluency, reasoning and problem-solving questions.
  • I have delivered a staff meeting: Refining our approach to Maths! This included a focus on presentation, Flashback 4s, support and resources, personalized IWB, lesson structure, definitions and examples of fluency, reasoning and problem solving, and our school marking policy.

December 2023 Review

  • I have examined progression maps, ensuring comprehensive coverage for all units for each year group.
  • I have conducted research to identify supplementary resources that complement the Whiterose Maths scheme, aiming to provide additional support for both pupils and staff.
  • I have initiated the compilation of resources with the intention of establishing a centralized resource hub accessible to all staff, facilitating access and utilization of education materials.
  • Staff have annotated and dated individual step coverage documents for the units covered in their respective classes.
  • I have conducted a Staff and Pupil Voice; the focused approach on fluency, reasoning and problem-solving questions have markedly enhanced confidence. Staff members express feeling supported in the planning, preparation, and delivery of Maths lessons to children of varied abilities. The pupils, in turn, exhibit eagerness to tackle more challenging questions independently, fostering a positive and empowered learning environment.

March 2024 Review

  • Maths is led by the Head Teacher and Assistant Head Teacher (MS).
  • Lesson observations completed by the Senior Leadership Team notes many strengths with teaching and learning in Maths. These included the explicit teaching of Maths concepts in small steps, opportunities to revisit prior learning (through Flashback Fours) and overall engagement of the children.
  • The Head Teacher engages with the Maths Hub ad accesses up to date information about developments in the learning of Maths – relevant updates provided to the school teaching team.
  • Classroom Secrets has been purchased to support teachers with preparing resources for learning.
  • Year 4 Maths Timestables checking exercise will be led by the Year 4 leader who has been prepared for this by the Deputy Head Teacher.

Next Steps:

  1. Complete Year 4 Timestables checking.
  2. MS to access Maths Hub resources (MS has recently returned from maternity leave)
  3. Complete the next round of lesson observations that focus on independent learning in daily lessons.