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Bywell CofE Junior-01140

Subject Overview

Subject Intent

At Bywell we encourage all children to be physically active. We strongly believe that physical activity not only benefits children’s physical health, but also their mental wellbeing and capacity to learn. Through sport and PE, children are encouraged to demonstrate endurance, compassion, justice and friendship – core values that underpin our school ethos. This year we have continued to invest in imoves in order to support our teaching staff with the delivery of well structured, engaging and progressive PE lessons, in line with the NC objectives. The aim is to continue to provide staff with a resource that gives guidance to develop their confidence further.

At Bywell, we always look to develop our children’s leadership skills and confidence to guide others with compassion. Our chosen sports leaders will be playing a key role in delivering extra-curricular activities at lunchtime, setting up and running physical challenges for their peers, as well as supporting their class teachers during PE lessons. Our sports leaders will receive training through the Sports Partnership and will be guided by Mr Delmont who, throughout the year, will be providing them with support in order to develop their leadership skills further.

After the success of our outdoor canopy, we will continue to utilize this in order to offer more after school sports clubs. Alongside this, we will be continuing our membership in the School Sports Partnership (SSP) which provides both competitive opportunities for our children as well as support in school and CPD opportunities for staff.  This year we will begin to look at ways of how we can provide further opportunities to make sports inclusive at Bywell for our children with SEND.

Subject Implementation

  • Continue to invest in I moves for the whole school with training delivered for new members of staff. Team teach and offer demonstration lessons to support staff.
  • Ensure all staff understand what is meant by physical literacy.
  • All classes to have 2 hours of high-quality PE each week and additional active minutes.
  • All classes will have one indoor lesson each week and one outdoor lesson (2 weeks out of 3) on a rotation. The outdoor lesson will be from January 2024 and taught by an HLTA, overseen by the PE Subject Leader.
  • Conduct learning walks throughout the year to gauge the impact of imoves scheme on the teaching of high-quality PE and confidence in adapting planning to suit all learners.
  • Conduct pupil voice surveys throughout the year in order to evidence the raising of the profile of sport and PE and gather suggestions for clubs and ways to keep active
  • Run a variety of after school clubs to encourage as many children as possible to engage in sport and physical activity out of school ensuring equal opportunities for all regardless of gender.
  • Ensure that all children are provided with the opportunity to participate in competitive sport through inter and intra school competition.
  • Work alongside TD to deliver intra-school competitions at break and lunch times to increase physical activity and sport throughout school – encouraging endurance and compassion through competition.
  • Develop a Sports Leadership program throughout the year in partnership with the SSP.

Subject Impact

What has been achieved in the subject since 2023 – include pupil voice & assessment either qualitative or quantitative?

  • After school clubs across the year groups have been delivered.
  • Two sports coaches from Huddersfield Giants have been encouraging pupil participation during lunchtimes. They set up skilled based activities, encouraging the children to be active and promoting an enjoyment for sport. One sport coach is based in the Y 3/ 4 playground while the other is based in the Y5/ 6 playground. They attend daily.
  • The Bywell sport leaders received their second session of the training program and continued to deliver their lunchtime activities.
  • We received the mini gym equipment to promote fitness but due to staff absences it was focused to just the Year 5 children.
  • A traditional Sports day has been organized. It will take place in the last week over two days. Years 3 & 4 on the first day and year 5 & 6 on the second day. The Huddersfield giants sport leaders will attend and our Bywell sport leaders will help out too.
  • A year 5/6 team attended the Hanging Heaton cricket competition.
  • Staff have timetabled two sessions for PE next year – an indoor and an outdoor session.
  • Received Bronze award from the School Games Mark.

October 2023 Review

  • New Subject Leader in place.
  • All classes timetabled for 2 hours of PE each week including an indoor and an outdoor session.
  • Curriculum overviews revised to accommodate 2 hours of PE.
  • 7 after school clubs in place for the first half term.
  • Pupil voice using Padlet presented to gather ideas about future clubs to all children.
  • Dance Mats have been on loan from SSP with before school sessions in place for all children: 31% of children attended these sessions before school.
  • Competitions entered for Cross Country, Tag Rugby, Football and Cricket this term.
  • Mini Gym on loan this term.
  • Sport Leader Training booked in for Y5.
  • Y3 Multi- skills sessions in place (CPD for Y3 staff).

Next steps:

  • Achieve School Games Gold Award by July 2024. New criteria published- plan in place- all staff aware and share in the whole school goal.
  • Audit all PE resources and purchase any equipment required.
  • Devise a manageable, assessment system for PE- roll out and monitor.
  • Compile audit of staff training need and confidence and ensure a program is in place to support.
  • Train new staff using I Moves.
  • Ensure all staff are aware of the progression of skills and how skills build on each other.
  • Sports’ Leaders’ trained and leading active playtimes / organising competitions in school.
  • Identify the least active in each class and target to increase participation.
  • Lesson observations with a focus on inclusion- Autumn Term.
  • Parental engagement- Sports Leaders to hold sessions for parents.
  • Monitor physical activity and identify ways to ensure extra active minutes per day. Produce heat map and plan to maximise physical activity.
  • Use new document to plan the spending of the Sports Premium funding.

January 2024

  • Research the Fundamentals programme on I Moves with a view to implementation and changing the curriculum focus to a holistic approach. Introduce to staff and trial a unit before taking feedback.

December 2023 Review

Sporting successes

  • North Kirklees Tag Rugby Competition winners
  • North Kirklees 7 a-side Football Competition winners (qualified for Kirklees finals)
  • 3 children qualified for the Kirklees cross-country finals (pathway event)
  • Inclusion (SEND) event: Ten Pin Bowling competition winners
  • Inclusion (SEND) event: Football competition
  • SEND multi-skills sessions led by John Holroyd from SSP for 36 children on SEN register.
  • Mini Gym equipment loaned from SSP: all children had the opportunity to use the equipment. Early morning sessions were offered to Year 3 and 4: 26% of children attended a session before school.
  • Sports’ leaders trained and have started to run lunchtime sessions: more guidance and training required for these children to be more effective and engage more children.
  • Audit of staff: CPD training need identified for the teaching of Dance (area where most staff feel less confident) Dance training to be organised.
  • Drop-ins to lessons and discussion with teachers. Developmental targets: adaptation of tasks to suit all learners; ensuring all teachers are aware of the progression of skills.
  • Assessment for Dance compiled and ready for teachers to use from January to inform planning
  • Indoor PE store sorted. New equipment purchased to support the curriculum.
  • Pupil Voice: ideas gathered from all children relating to which after school clubs they would like to suggest (Use of Padlet) Views taken and fed into clubs offered next term.

March 2024 Review

Sporting successes

  • Y3/4 Football North Kirklees Champions
  • Sports’ Leaders led at a disability event run by Sports Partnership
  • Y3/4 children took part in a multi skills event
  • Y5/6 attended Panache gym club for an event
  • Y5 children participated in Bikeability course ensuring safety when cycling on the roads.
  • HLTA delivery of PPA PE is effective. Pupil voice- children are enjoying the lessons and say they are developing their skills and fitness through the Games units delivered. Drop-ins have shown children are active and engaged.
  • Fundamentals trial put on hold due to other priorities – assessment of readiness for staff at this stage.
  • Half of Year 5 have not been swimming this academic year. Use of pop-up pool on hold until next year.

Next steps:

  • Ensure all staff are assessing accurately and completing document. How is this informing planning and teaching of high – quality PE?
  • Work alongside HLTA delivering PE to ensure lessons are inclusive for all children through adaptation of the tasks. Ensure he is aware of the STEP process for adaptive teaching.
  • Liaise with PE subject leader from last year and plan sports days for Summer Term utilising Sports’ Leaders to help organise. Check enough equipment and purchase accordingly.
  • Year 4 only to trial fundamentals for their indoor PE session for Term 3
  • Organise Sports After School Clubs for Summer Term targeting least active students.
  • Plan the spending of the Sports Premium money for the remainder of the academic year with T Huffinley
  • Once PE Lead had been announced for next year, begin handover.
  • Research creative ways to increase active minutes within the school day for all children.

July 2024 Review

  • School Games Gold Achieved
  • 4 Successful Sports’ Days led by Y5 Sports Leaders
  • Sports’ Leaders reward trip to Tag X funded through Sports Partnership
  • HLTA delivering PE lessons during PPA
  • 7 after school clubs run in the Summer term by school staff. 59% of children attended a club this year.
  • I moves being used consistently with adaptations made for all learners in some classes.
  • Assessment system in place but further development required.
  • Fundamentals programme successful in Y4: explore further next year.
  • Swimming for second half of Y5 did not take place due to unavoidable, external circumstances. These children will swim in Y6.

Next Steps 2024/25

  • New Subject Leader in place to familiarise with School Games and PE curriculum. Make contact with Sports Partnership Staff.
  • Map out competitions / events/ equipment hire for academic year.
  • New staff to be trained in the use of I Moves programme
  • Audit resources and purchase any equipment
  • Audit of staff skills to establish any required CPD
  • Review curriculum map and new Subject Leader to explore Fundamentals programme on iMoves.
  • Lesson observations to ensure lessons are being adapted to ensure they are inclusive for all learners and behaviour management is not impacting on learning.
  • Assessment systems to be reviewed to ensure they are useful and supporting student outcomes.
  • Sports’ Leaders to apply and be selected. Training to be organised and managed. Equipment to be purchased to support.
  • School Games to be achieved again at the end of 2025